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How to break into tech

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How to get started in the tech industry

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Pivot into tech with no experience

eachOne teachOne is a career and education platform focused on helping people enter the tech industry, regardless of their technical background. We started a blog to tackle the common problem many face: “How do I get into tech without a technical background?” Our aim is to provide clear guidance and change the narrative surrounding tech accessibility. Want to know more?

Simple steps to help you get started in the tech industry

Are you eager to enter the tech industry but feel lost without a technical background? eachOne teachOne is your go-to platform, offering valuable tools and resources tailored for individuals just like you. Our journey began with a simple yet powerful idea: to simplify the tech world and make it accessible to everyone, regardless of their skills or experience.

If you believe that your lack of technical knowledge is holding you back from pursuing a career in tech, then our platform is tailored for you. Expect to find answers to common questions about breaking into tech and staying relevant once you’re in. Join us on our blog for insights and guidance on navigating the tech industry with confidence.


We’ll help you from the ground up

Tech is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world, with vacancies booming across the tech space. But as sectors across tech continue to grow and evolve, the question is… how can you get your foot in the door with no previous tech experience?

Testimonials & Acknowledgements

"We'd like to remember the African proverb that originated during slavery, where individuals were denied education. This proverb is our ethos - when an individual learns something, it is their responsibility to teach others."

eachOne teachOne

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